NaBloPoMo workout challenge?

Writing for the NaBloPoMo is like going to the gym ! It’s really difficult to drive yourself to do it, but I guess at the end of the day exercise is good for health! But to be honest its been quite fulfilling so far !! The feeling of people relating to what you write is quite exhilarating – like beating your own personal times! What’s also keeping me amused in the NaBloPoMo gym so far is the fact that I’ve been trying to write on different topics -and its got me churning and spewing out things that I haven’t thought of in a long long time! In this effort of working out, I’ve decided to take it one step further – setting a new challenge for improving my personal best – I wanted to know what you, my audience, think I should write on more – it could be any thing- my old posts, particular topics or genres of writing. Let me know what types of waffles would you like to read !!!

Let the yo-yo games begin!!  😀


  1. MillarDKits · November 8, 2014

    You’re doing great so far! I can certainly appreciate how you feel about exceeding expectations so far. Gonna be hard to keep up, but looking forward to looking back at the complete work. I’ll let you know if I think of any suggestions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Evolving ruminations · November 9, 2014

      Thanks a ton !! Yeah I like to keep setting myself challenges, making the most of it while I’m in the pumped up phase 😉 Thanks a ton, looking forward for suggestions from a person who has the knack for writing the most interesting articles!


  2. lifeconfusions · November 8, 2014

    Well I for one like reading anything you write. Especially the beautiful photographs and descriptions you share. Keep it up, You are in the right direction 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

A cup of tea??